How to Create a Relaxing Reading Environment


It’s time to plan your summer reading list and think about where you will be enjoying your new book picks. We all know that readers actually dwell in the pages of their favorite books, but where you read says more about you than the titles you choose. Your reading style is uniquely you and creating the perfect book nook impacts your ability to relax, focus, and have the book-immersion experience you daydream about.

Why not take a moment to put some careful thought and planning into creating a cozy reading space? The perfect reading habitat exists and you just need to use your book smarts to put one together.

The living room, office, bedroom, garden… each space has its appeal for reading and it’s important to discover what works best for you.

After you choose your perfect space, consider your seating options and how they support your comfort and your ability to focus. Sitting upright, with proper support for your back, hips, and legs, will help your muscles relax, so you can focus on your story instead of those pesky aches and pains. Reclining on a couch or in a bed works for some people, but the urge to nap may be too strong and you want to give your well-chosen book your full attention and save the napping for later.

Edit your space because clutter will distract you.

A clean and organized environment will recharge your energy and leave you with more time to read. You may even consider reading in a computer and TV-free zone because the temptation to scroll through social media or binge watch a new show is too strong. A designated reading nook, free of distractions, is the best way to up-level your book experience.

Set the tone.

What do you see, feel, and smell? Stress melts away when you layer in different elements to delight your senses and puts you in a mind-set to focus. Open your windows, let the breeze come through and listen to the birds sing. Diffusing an essential oil blend with citrus notes will energize you and improve your concentration. Make the most of natural light and sit near a sunlit window. You can even add extra lighting with a salt lamp and the warm glow will reinvigorate your reading space so that you never want to leave it. Listen to relaxing solfeggio tones to help you feel grounded and connected to the moment. Most importantly, don’t forget to breathe! Long, deep inhalations will relax your body and improve your ability to retain information. Air is life. Making a few simple adjustments maximizes your reading time and puts you at ease so you can accommodate your growing book list.

If you want to take the next step and really elevate your reading space to that of a dedicated book sanctuary, adding natural elements, like houseplants and crystals, will bump the energy up a notch.

It’s been proven that frequent exposure to green spaces sweeps away stress and improves your mental clarity so adding an oasis of greenery to your home just makes sense. Throw in some crystals that support your ability to focus, relax, grow, and learn, and you will never want to leave your nook!

Jade plant and emerald quartz are great companions if you read to expand your knowledge-base and need help clearing out the brain fog.

Jade plant invites you to take a carefree approach to learning and emerald quartz is great for memory recall. When you’ve got an exciting page-turner in your hands, you almost forget to check in with your body. Are you sitting up straight, are you taking deep breaths, when was the last time you took a sip of water? Snake plant and a himalayan salt lamp will remind you to enjoy reading, but don’t forget to take some self-care breaks! This plant and crystal duo actually acts like a natural air filter and will have you breathing easier in your space and will also serve as a visual cue to pace yourself while you read. When your book club pick is a tear-jerker, heart-opening rose quartz and sweetheart hoya will sweetly support you with nurturing energy until the very last page of your story. Reading is a luxury, after all, so make the most of your experience with thoughtfully curated houseplants and crystals.

Now that you have all the elements to create a book nook that perfectly suits you, grab a book and get to it.

Featured image: @sdamiani via Twenty20


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