It Was Varys With the Starbucks Cup on the Set of Game of Thrones!


Is it possible to roast someone twice?

Even though Game of Thrones has ended, Emilia “Daenerys” Clarke had one last takedown to deliver as she revealed who was really the culprit behind that Starbucks cup left onscreen.

Varys! Of course.

According to Clarke, Conleth Hill, who played the Spider, Master of Whisperers Varys on GOT, approached Emilia at an Emmy’s afterparty and admitted to the lone Starbucks cup being his, which cleared up initial rumors that it was Clarke’s coffee on set.

“And Conleth, he pulls me aside and he says, ‘Emilia I’ve got to tell you something. The coffee cup was mine,’” she recounts to Fallon.

The cup appeared mistakenly in a shot in “Winterfell“, the premiere episode of Game of Thrones‘ final season.

Conleth’s character, having woken the dragon, was dead five episodes later.

You can watch the exchange below:

via [NBC]



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