Private Memories and the Collective Imagination in “Dreadful Sorry” – Chicago Review of Books

Private Memories and the Collective Imagination in “Dreadful Sorry” – Chicago Review of Books

[ad_1] Nostalgia, maybe the sweetest and purest of human emotions, carries within itself its own poison. Dwelt on briefly, nostalgia can fade into a sighing sadness. It can transform into frustrated,grasping sorrow for a time or a feeling that can never come back. With the slightest shove, nostalgia can turn bitter and angry. In Dreadful … Read more

Observation and Imagination in “Rainbow Milk” – Chicago Review of Books

Observation and Imagination in “Rainbow Milk” – Chicago Review of Books

[ad_1] Paul Mendez’s debut novel, Rainbow Milk, begins in 1956 in the voice of Norman Alonso, a skilled gardener who arrives from Jamaica to the industrial town of Blixton with his wife and their two children. Norman and his family are among the first wave of migrants of the Windrush generation who traveled from the … Read more