61 Notable Debuts by Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender Non-conforming Authors – Chicago Review of Books

61 Notable Debuts by Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender Non-conforming Authors – Chicago Review of Books

[ad_1] Every year this list gets longer and my heart grows right along with it. I’m ending 2023 filled to the brim with gratitude for the books that made me feel seen; for who I’ve been, who I am, and who I dream of being. I’m also blown away by the talent exhibited by this … Read more

44 Notable Debuts by Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender Non-conforming Authors – Chicago Review of Books

44 Notable Debuts by Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender Non-conforming Authors – Chicago Review of Books

[ad_1] Each year when I compile this list of notable transgender, nonbinary, and genderqueer debuts, I’m filled with wonder and gratitude. It’s no secret trans, queer voices are being censored and viciously challenged, and it’s a terrifying time for LGBTQIA+ writers to publish work. And yet. And yet. Debut artists are still putting their words … Read more

34 Notable Debuts by Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender Non-conforming Authors – Chicago Review of Books

34 Notable Debuts by Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender Non-conforming Authors – Chicago Review of Books

[ad_1] Last year, we featured 18 notable debuts by trans, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming authors. This year, the list stands at 34, and still, this is probably just the tip of the iceberg for expansive, compassionate, and daring literature by TGNC authors. While the United States bans or restricts access to queer books across the … Read more

Trans Phantasmagoria in “A Natural History of Transition” – Chicago Review of Books

Trans Phantasmagoria in “A Natural History of Transition” – Chicago Review of Books

[ad_1] Tell somebody that you’re trans and the egg-hunt begins. The acquaintance that popped in for brunch tries to decipher you, to catalog evidence that indicates transformation. The proof of change could be anywhere though, most noticeably, hiding under your lip or reverberating in your voice, but there are less discernible spots too, things they … Read more

18 Notable Debuts by Trans, Non-binary, and Gender Non-conforming Authors – Chicago Review of Books

18 Notable Debuts by Trans, Non-binary, and Gender Non-conforming Authors – Chicago Review of Books

[ad_1] Being a debut author is overwhelming in any year, but those who published books in 2020 have dealt with challenges none could have ever imagined (a global pandemic, the news cycle from hell, and everything and everyone going online). Despite that, this year brought us many standout books by established trans, non-binary, and gender … Read more